Loading Lesson 10: Introduction to Other Expressive Therapies..


Practice identifying community needs that can be addressed through art making and create a piece of art that addresses an identified community need. Compare and contrast a couple forms of expressive therapies.


For much of the course we have been looking at the practice of art therapy but the visual arts are only one type of expressive therapies. The arts are found in many therapies such as music therapy, dance movement therapy, and more.

Due by the end of this lesson


Please watch this video that will introduce you to another form of expressive therapy.

Required Readings

Please read the following by Thursday:


Course Project Delivery

At this point, you should have delivered your project to the organization you identified earlier in the semester. Please submit in Canvas.

Discussion 10: How do we compare art therapy with other expressive therapies?

In what ways do you think music therapy and dance/movement therapy relate to art therapy? Explain at least two similarities and one difference.

Please post your original response to the discussions by the end of Thursday.

Participation Expectations for Thoughtful Contributions in Discussions

Each original response to the discussion for the lesson must be at least 150 words long and specifically reference some concept or content reference in the coursework for the lesson. Read peer responses and reply to at least ONE individual.

Your responses should reflect one or more of these types:

Visual Journal Submission 10

Students will maintain a weekly journal throughout the semester. The journal will incorporate quick visual responses (some written material may be included) at least one day a week. Two- or three-dimensional images are appropriate.

Visual responses will be about student’s daily life, course content and student’s feelings related to course content. Submit a .pdf file each week to show instructor visual progress (this file will include at least one or more entries in the journal). Rather than the psychological content, grades will be assigned based upon demonstration of thorough effort, completion and introspection.

Please upload your file by the end of Sunday.

Visual Journal Criteria

Visual Journals will be graded as follows:

Knowledge Check Quiz 10

The knowledge check quizzes are optional, but completing them will help you become aware of how well you comprehend the content each lesson and prepare you for the assessments later in the course. 

Complete the Knowledge Check Quiz in Canvas.

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